It was a dark night when a man walking towards his village was worried about his son. The man started after receiving an urgent message about the illness of his son. The man went from his workplace hurriedly. He took a bus to his home. But coming near to his village the bus broke down and on that dark night, he stepped out of the bus, eager to go to home, and continued his journey on foot. That night, the stars were twinkling brightly. The air breezes were very cool and made the man much more terrific. Slowly the climate turned violent with thunders. The rain started with intense air waves striking all objects to move. In those whirling winds, the man didn't stop walking toward his destiny. There were haunting noises when he passed the lake on his way. The trees with their long branches tried to catch him. His village which is known for sorcery frightens everyone at each and every point of time. The man thinking heavily, watching every nook and corner, went steadily to reach his home. The man and his friends previously executed many sorcery events for the people in the city. In search of better pastures, the man went to the city. While he was walking on the road, many thoughts of cunning people - who could cause danger to his family, started rattling in his mind. His unseen evil deeds were known to his friends only. The big merchant of his village had been searching for him for the last few days. The man on his way observed all the areas where he had done sorceries. But he didn't find any traces which could put him in danger. Then he found his brother's clothes in his path. In the near distance, the footsteps of four people heading toward his village were also found. In the last sorcery event, the man had received divine sight as a boon from the goddess and to visualize people of his wish and amazing powers. The man walking swiftly visualized his friends and his brother. Then he saw a hut that was engulfed with green trees in dark shadows. The fire in the hut was glowing brightly. His friends and his brother were jealous of his almighty powers and were conducting a sorcery event on his son. Things came into the picture so fast that feelings turned upside down. The man couldn’t believe his near people’s envy. Being proficient in the art of sorcery, he took control of the whirling winds and on that dark rainy day, he sparkled fire in his place with the help of thunders in the sky. He himself impersonated many spirits and became stronger and stronger, filled with lots of anger. The huge tree under which the man got angry was burnt into ashes within a fraction of a second. The man prepared Asta Dikbandana chakra with his mighty powers and trained spirits to catch his enemies. The spirits flew into the sky and reached the hut where his friends were conducting sorcery. The spirits tied all four people and destroyed the arrangements. The four people were made paralyzed leaving their heads active. The man visualizing the scene with his power walked to the hut. The man after reaching the hut filled with anger burnt his friends into ashes. The cunning brother requested pardon to save himself. But the man said, “Envy is evil, I will not nurture a snake to get bitten. Your cunning behavior has made you turn into my enemy”. The man turned red and burnt his brother and saved his son. The man went to his house and saw his son cured of illness.
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